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Последните Икономически Новини

The growth of defense spending in Europe: economic impact and new jobs

Февруари, 21 2025

The German division of EY has presented a study assessing the economic impact of increased defense spending in Europe. Analysts have studied two scenarios: maintaining the current level of 2% of GDP or less, and increasing it to 3% of GDP. To strengthen independence from the United States and increase the defense capability of the EU countries, it will be necessary to invest about €65 billion annually over six years. Experts note that against the background of modern security challenges, Eu... Прочетете още

Всички Новини

South Korean President Park Geun-hye Impeached amid Corruption Probe

Март, 10 2017

A South Korean court has unanimously ruled for South Korean president Park Geun-hye’s impeachment f... Прочетете още

UK’s Higher Taxes for Self-employed Deemed by Hammond as Necessary

Март, 09 2017

Britain is firm on its decision to increase taxes on self-employed workers despite many disapprove... Прочетете още

Positive Economic Outlook for Malaysia

Март, 09 2017

Based on the report of Securities Commission Malaysia (SC), the economic growth of Malaysia is... Прочетете още

Canada’s Economy Lead Over other G7 Countries

Март, 08 2017

The Canadian economy is expected to gain 2.4% this year with equal expectations as of the United... Прочетете още

Pharma Stocks Drop as Trump Posts Drug Prices Tweet

Март, 08 2017

Pharmaceutical stocks plummeted on Tuesday after Donald Trump plunged back into the drug pricing... Прочетете още

Dollar Trimmed Down after a Two-month High

Март, 08 2017

The surge of U.S. dollar decelerated minimally on Wednesday session after reachinga two-month high... Прочетете още

European Stocks Pulled Down by German data

Март, 07 2017

The European stocks dropped for three days in a row on Tuesday pulled by the decline in shares of... Прочетете още

Australia's Interest Rate Remained on Hold

Март, 07 2017

Australia's Interest Rate Remained on Hold Australia kept its interest rates steady on Tuesday,... Прочетете още

Brexit Supporters Push May to Examine EFTA Comeback

Март, 07 2017

UK Prime Minister Theresa May is recently being urged by a panel of Brexit-supporting lawmakers to... Прочетете още

Planned Reduction of China’s Steel Sector in 2018

Март, 06 2017

China aims to reduce its oversupply in the steel sector for next year according to the National... Прочетете още

Egypt Economy Contracted According to PMI Report

Март, 06 2017

The Egyptian economy slowed down for the 17th time within the month of February showing a much... Прочетете още

Philip Hammond to Allocate $676 Million to Boost UK Tech

Март, 06 2017

UK Chancellor Philip Hammond has announced that he will be utilizing Wednesday’s budget to offer m... Прочетете още

A Flexible Domestic Market Target of Chinese Forex regulators

Март, 03 2017

An accommodating local currency market that is both open and competitive to curb the impact of... Прочетете още

Indian Economy Expected to Climb Over 7.5%, Mukherjee says

Март, 03 2017

Indian President Pranab Mukherjee mentioned that the country’s economic growth plays between 0 to 1 ... Прочетете още

US Jobless Claims Hit Lowest Levels in Over 40 Years

Март, 03 2017

The US job market looks like it’s in for more positive movements in the coming days after the c... Прочетете още

Dropped in Oil prices due to Excess Supply in February

Март, 02 2017

For three succeeding session, the crude oil dropped as the supply accumulated affecting the overall... Прочетете още

Economic Boost for Timor Leste

Март, 02 2017

The country bounded in the Western Indonesia, Timor Leste or called East Timor in the past has... Прочетете още

Britain’s Inequality Set to Rise as UK Crisis Takes Effect

Март, 02 2017

Inequality and poverty rates in the UK are expected to get worse within a five year-period as the... Прочетете още

PBOC Released $60.2 B to Trigger Liquidity in February

Март, 01 2017

The Central bank of China funded 413.85 billion yuan equivalent to 60.2 billion U.S. dollar in... Прочетете още

Nigerian Economy Declined After 25 years

Март, 01 2017

After 25 years the economy of Nigeria experienced an annual decline in its economic output as the... Прочетете още

Investors Shift Focus from Trump Statement to Fed Movements

Март, 01 2017

Investors are now shifting their focus from Donald Trump’s Congress address to the timing of the F... Прочетете още

Steady Economic Growth of Australia as Exports Rises

Февруари, 28 2017

The Australian economy is assumed to have recovered after a surge in demand for exports and... Прочетете още

Consumer Confidence of the Eurozone Plummeted

Февруари, 28 2017

The consumer confidence of UK for this month declined while the British currency weakened. The... Прочетете още

Wilbur Ross Steps Up as Trump’s Commerce Secretary

Февруари, 28 2017

The US Senate has already confirmed the appointment of billionaire Wilbur Ross as US Commerce... Прочетете още

Expected Shift in Crude Futures as Much as $2B Will Put an End to Oil Glut

Февруари, 27 2017

In the upcoming week, the passive investment funds are expected to rise to $2 billion from... Прочетете още

Macri’s Reforms Showed Signs for Economic Resurgence in Argentina

Февруари, 27 2017

The economy of Argentina beefed up by 1.6% during the month of December compared with last month... Прочетете още

DJIA Records 10th Consecutive High as Dollar Falls

Февруари, 24 2017

The Dow Jones Industrial Average Index (DJIA) has recently recorded another all-time high for the... Прочетете още

Growth of Indian Economy Slipped

Февруари, 24 2017

The economy of India is projected to fell nearly three-year low for the last three months of the... Прочетете още

U.S. Dollar Dropped Against a Basket of Currencies Amid Political Rift

Февруари, 24 2017

The greenback declined versus other major currencies on Thursday because of the absence of... Прочетете още

Fed Officials Not Too Eager on Implementing Rate Hike in March

Февруари, 23 2017

Contrary to the general market sentiment, the FOMC is not so keen on raising interest rates this... Прочетете още

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