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Последните Икономически Новини

The dollar is strengthening, the euro is falling: all attention is on the US labor market

Октомври, 04 2024

The DXY dollar index soared to a 3-week high of 102.05, bringing the EUR/USD pair to strong support at 1.10. The dollar's recovery is driven by strong data on the US economy and labor market, as well as expectations of a slowdown in the Fed's rate cuts.On Thursday, the dollar index reached a six-week high, supported by indicators of the service sector and a positive picture on the labor market. The probability of a Fed rate cut by 50 bps in November fell to 32%, which led to a 1.5% strengthening... Прочетете още

Всички Новини

Japan’s Household Spending Grew at a Fastest Rate in Three Years

Октомври, 05 2018

Household spending rose in August at the fastest annual rate in three years due to higher... Прочетете още

US Services Sector ISM survey Depicted Growth but Weaker Pace in IHS Markit

Октомври, 04 2018

The US services sector grew to a 21-year high in September, supporting employment of most companies... Прочетете още

German Services Grew to an 8-month High Inverse to Weak Manufacturing Sector

Октомври, 03 2018

German services growth reached an 8-month high in September based on the survey on Wednesday which... Прочетете още

RBA’s Interest Rates Remain Low in a Tight Credit Conditions

Октомври, 02 2018

The central bank of Australia has been going steady for the 26 consecutive months on Tuesday,... Прочетете още

Japan’s Manufacturing Grew Steadily in September, Exports Close to 2-years Low

Октомври, 01 2018

The manufacturing activity of Japan grew steadily in September based on the revised survey on... Прочетете още

Canada’s Stronger-than-expected Economic Growth Raises Chances for Rate Hike

Септември, 28 2018

The economy of Canada soared more than the forecast of 0.2 percent in July, which in turn increases... Прочетете още

U.S. Consumer Confidence Reached an 18-year high in September Despite Trade War

Септември, 26 2018

The US consumer confidence grew to an 18-year high in September with households progressing more... Прочетете още

UK Inflation Surprisingly Grew in August

Септември, 20 2018

UK inflation grew unexpectedly in the month of August due to transportation, computer games,... Прочетете още

Japan’s Monetary Policy Sustained Their Target Rate with a Positive Outlook

Септември, 19 2018

Japan’s monetary policy remained steady on Wednesday with a positive outlook on the economy despite ... Прочетете още

Germany’s Higher Growth Forecast by 2 Percent in 2018

Септември, 18 2018

The German economy is expected to rise around 2 percent this year, more or less 0.1 percent,... Прочетете още

France Central Bank Pessimistic Growth outlook in Three Years

Септември, 14 2018

The central bank of France forecasts an increase by 1.6 percent annually to 2020 amid the steady... Прочетете още

Japanese Manufacturers’ Confidence Dropped in September as Trade Tension Continues

Септември, 13 2018

Japanese manufacturers’ confidence dropped this month, following a seven-month high in August. The s... Прочетете още

Eurozone Industrial Output Unexpectedly Dropped in July For the Second Time

Септември, 12 2018

Factory production in the eurozone fell in July for a second successive month, greater than the... Прочетете още

China’s PPI Weakened Results Worries Investors

Септември, 10 2018

China’s producer inflation subdued in August despite weakened domestic demand. It signals a slow s... Прочетете още

Sweden Plans to Leave the EU, Expect Possible ‘Swexit’

Септември, 10 2018

On Sunday, Sweden had a poll whether to elect a new government because most of the analysts... Прочетете още

Eurozone GDP Grew Second-Quarter Amid Earlier Pessimistic Figure

Септември, 07 2018

The eurozone rose by 0.4 percent in the second quarter based on the report by the Eurostat... Прочетете още

Germany’s Growth Outlook Raises to 1.9 pc, says Ifo

Септември, 07 2018

On Thursday, the Ifo economic institute announced its increased on 2018 economic growth outlook for... Прочетете още

Australian Economy Strengthen Due to High Consumer Spending

Септември, 05 2018

The resilient economy of Australia showed robust growth during the Apr-Jun quarter this year, along... Прочетете още

Eurozone Producer Prices Spiked in July

Септември, 04 2018

Eurozone producer prices marginally increased higher than the forecast in July because of higher... Прочетете още

British Manufacturing Weaken as Export Orders Decline

Септември, 04 2018

UK manufacturers had a lackluster month after a couple of years while exports had an unusual... Прочетете още

Japan’s Manufacturing PMI Grew, Decline in Export orders

Септември, 03 2018

The Japanese manufacturing activity rose in August at a slightly quicker pace compared to the... Прочетете още

China’s Services PMI Rose in August From an 11-month Low

Август, 31 2018

The services sector in China gained momentum in August following a decline in the previous month,... Прочетете още

UK Consumer Lending Growth Slipped, says BOE

Август, 31 2018

According to reports of the Bank of England, the new credit lines for July reaches £0.817BN, which ... Прочетете още

Mexico’s Central Bank Lower Growth Forecast Amid NAFTA Talks

Август, 30 2018

The central bank of Mexico adjusted lower their forecast for this year and the next, based on the... Прочетете още

US GDP Growth for Q2 Expanded by 4.2 pc

Август, 30 2018

The American economy had increased its Q2 annual rate at 4.2 percent, according to the Commerce... Прочетете още

U.S. Consumer Confidence Grew Close to an 18-year High

Август, 29 2018

The US consumer confidence rose in August, almost at an 18-year high with a boost from households... Прочетете още

NZIER Revised Downward its Growth Outlook

Август, 29 2018

The New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) decided to reduce its economic growth... Прочетете още

France Advised Turkey to Use Economic Policy Tools

Август, 28 2018

French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told Turkish counterpart Berat Albayrak at a meeting on... Прочетете още

U.S. Treasury Yields Rose Before Powell's Speech

Август, 24 2018

The debt prices of the U.S. government dropped lower on Friday trading. The benchmark yield of the... Прочетете още

Fed Officials Fear Extreme Impact of Trade War on US Economy

Август, 23 2018

According to Fed officials, the country’s economic expansion reflects the potential growth of the c... Прочетете още

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