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Последните Икономически Новини

The dollar is strengthening, the euro is falling: all attention is on the US labor market

Октомври, 04 2024

The DXY dollar index soared to a 3-week high of 102.05, bringing the EUR/USD pair to strong support at 1.10. The dollar's recovery is driven by strong data on the US economy and labor market, as well as expectations of a slowdown in the Fed's rate cuts.On Thursday, the dollar index reached a six-week high, supported by indicators of the service sector and a positive picture on the labor market. The probability of a Fed rate cut by 50 bps in November fell to 32%, which led to a 1.5% strengthening... Прочетете още

Всички Новини

China's Inflation Slid Down Despite Crash of Stock Market

Февруари, 09 2018

Both producer and consumer inflation abated as anticipated for the month of January despite the... Прочетете още

Expect Fed Rate Hikes to Continue This Year, Says Kaplan

Февруари, 08 2018

The U.S. Federal Reserve will gradually adjust their current accommodative monetary policy and push... Прочетете още

South Korea Maintains Accommodative Monetary Policies Amid Low Inflation

Февруари, 08 2018

The central bank of South Korea would maintain their accommodative monetary policies because of low... Прочетете още

Drop in Corporate Wages, Problems in Consumer Spending Arises

Февруари, 07 2018

Japanese wages drop in December at its quickest rate in five months. This also implies that... Прочетете още

Canadian Free Trade Slow Down its Economy

Февруари, 07 2018

The Canadian economy had an unfavorable situation in the previous year. The trade data was... Прочетете още

Soft Brexit will help British Economy to Grow by 1.9% until 2019

Февруари, 07 2018

The National Institute of Economic and Social Research (Niesr) assessed that the British economy... Прочетете още

PBOC Keeps a Neutral Monetary Policy in 2018

Февруари, 06 2018

The People’s Bank of China announced to sustain a neutral monetary policy for this year with a s... Прочетете още

Singapore will not ban Cryptocurrency trading

Февруари, 06 2018

The Monetary Authority of Singapore has been doing thorough research in risks associated with... Прочетете още

Dow Jones Decline But did not Affect US Economy

Февруари, 06 2018

The decline of the stock market on Monday did not cause a significant impact on the American... Прочетете още

BOJ Kuroda Calls for a Loose Monetary Policy

Февруари, 05 2018

Japan’s central bank has to sustain the ultra-loose monetary policy, as the current progress is s... Прочетете още

Australia’s Lowe to Keep RBA Rates Unchanged due to Reflation

Февруари, 05 2018

The Australian economy is currently involved in reflation wherein economic growth and inflation... Прочетете още

Eurozone’s Economic Growth continues until 2019, Moscovici says

Февруари, 02 2018

The eurozone economy rose in a decade last year, which has been the quickest rate and its momentum... Прочетете още

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta Forecast 5.4% Growth in the US Economy

Февруари, 02 2018

The updated forecast of the Atlanta Fed shows that US economy is progressing to reach significant... Прочетете още

Japan's Manufacturing Sector Grew to 54.8 in January

Февруари, 01 2018

The manufacturing data from Japan progressed at a quicker pace in almost four years in January with... Прочетете още

NZ Introduced New Tool to Measure Economic Success

Февруари, 01 2018

New Zealand is planning to gauge its economic growth through cultural, environmental and social... Прочетете още

Decline in Factory Output of China Due to Stricter Pollution Rules

Януари, 31 2018

A slower growth in the manufacturing sector of China was less than expected this January due to an... Прочетете още

Fastest Economic Growth of EU in 2017

Януари, 31 2018

The EU economy was able to increase at its fastest pace after a decade, highlighting the surge of... Прочетете още

Mexico’s GDP Growth Improved to 0.6 Percent in Fourth Quarter 2017

Януари, 30 2018

The Mexican economy bounced off in the last quarter of 2017 as it was pushed higher by the... Прочетете още

German Government Raise Economic Forecast to 2.4 percent

Януари, 30 2018

On Monday, the growth outlook for Germany was revised upward by the government, with a forecast of... Прочетете още

Uncertainty of Brexit: Puts the Top Financial Center at Risk

Януари, 29 2018

Trading relations between Britain and European Union is still uncertain, which poses risk to... Прочетете още

Singapore, Major FDI Source in Asia after HK and China, says UNCTAD

Януари, 29 2018

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) reported that direct investments... Прочетете още

Chinese Regulators Set New Rules on Overseas Investments

Януари, 26 2018

China’s Insurers should follow the standards set by the central bank and the foreign exchange r... Прочетете още

UK Economy Lost £200m due to Brexit, says Mark Carney

Януари, 26 2018

The governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney expressed the Brexit costs the UK economy an... Прочетете още

Inflation came in Weak Despite Strong NZ Economy

Януари, 26 2018

With expectations that inflation could bring further growth in the New Zealand economy this year... Прочетете още

Economic Growth of South Korea Dropped in 4th Quarter Due to Low Exports

Януари, 25 2018

The economy of South Korea surprisingly declined in the previous quarter as it faced problems on... Прочетете още

Slowdown in Mexico’s Inflation but not Forex

Януари, 25 2018

The governor of Mexico’s central bank, Alejandro Diaz de Leon, anticipates the inflation rate to r... Прочетете още

Australia Ranked Third as the Most Expensive Housing Market in World

Януари, 25 2018

The average mortgage rate of Australians exceeded by $500,000 for the first time, which seems... Прочетете още

Stronger Economy Lead to Higher Oil Prices

Януари, 24 2018

Oil prices have been progressing strongly as it was supported by a good positive economic growth... Прочетете още

Trans-Pacific trade partnership to be revised without the U.S

Януари, 24 2018

Canada together with other remaining partners of the former Trans-Pacific Partnership is set to... Прочетете още

BOJ Sustained Monetary Policies Giving Positive Inflation Perspective

Януари, 23 2018

The monetary policies were maintained by the central bank of Japan on Tuesday that gives a positive... Прочетете още

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