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Opening up China's economy will be a key factor for emerging markets

Януари, 16 2023
watermark Economic news

Analysts believe that the opening of China's economy after the lifting of anti-Covid restrictions will be the most important topic for emerging markets.

In particular, this will stimulate the growth of stocks, as consumer demand will also increase against the background of the economic recovery, which, in turn, will improve the cash flows of companies and revive trading volumes. 

Analysts also note that China is on the rise today, while the US and the eurozone are experiencing a weakening economy, which is also a source of optimism, as this partially compensates for the slowdown in demand. According to experts, China's GDP may grow by 4.8% in 2023, while the growth of the US economy is estimated at only 0.4%, and the European Union – 0.1%.

It is also worth noting that the weakening of the «zero tolerance» policy towards Covid-19 and the stimulating measures taken by the Chinese authorities led to the growth of the Hong Kong Hang Seng stock index to the highs of 2006 and the strengthening of the yuan to semi-annual maximum marks. In addition, China's bonds have finished in the black for the third month in a row. 

Against this background, stocks and currencies of developing countries are showing the strongest start to the year since the 1990s, and bonds – in more than a decade.

It is also noted that Taiwan, South Korea and Malaysia will benefit greatly from the growth of Chinese demand for goods, while Chile, Brazil, Indonesia and South Africa will benefit from the export of raw materials to China. And the opening of borders will benefit tourist countries such as Thailand.

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