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Další ekonomické zprávy

The dollar is strengthening, the euro is falling: all attention is on the US labor market

Říjen, 04 2024

The DXY dollar index soared to a 3-week high of 102.05, bringing the EUR/USD pair to strong support at 1.10. The dollar's recovery is driven by strong data on the US economy and labor market, as well as expectations of a slowdown in the Fed's rate cuts.On Thursday, the dollar index reached a six-week high, supported by indicators of the service sector and a positive picture on the labor market. The probability of a Fed rate cut by 50 bps in November fell to 32%, which led to a 1.5% strengthening... Více

Všechny zprávy

Japan’s Manufacturing Activity Grew Due To Domestic Demand in August

Srpen, 23 2018

Japan’s manufacturing activity grew at a bit faster rate in August as the domestic demand increased ... Více

Japan’s Easing of Stimulus Program is Likely Even Before The Target Rate

Srpen, 22 2018

The economic growth of Japan is getting better which is expected to reduce its huge stimulus... Více

Japan’s Ministries Admit Data Manipulation on Disabled Employment Quota

Srpen, 22 2018

On Wednesday, Japan investigates the ministries about the reports on routinely overstating the... Více

U.S. Consumer Sentiment Dropped to 11-month Low Amid Inflation

Srpen, 20 2018

The U.S. consumer sentiment dropped to an 11-month low in August with rising concern on household... Více

Business Confidence in UK Decline due to Brexit Uncertainty

Srpen, 20 2018

The survey issued on Monday showed the lowest decline of business leaders’ confidence towards the U... Více

Eurozone Inflation Exceeded Target Rate

Srpen, 17 2018

The annual inflation rate in the Eurozone rose to 2.1 percent in July, according to the European... Více

Turkey’s Albayrak Reins Capital Control as Policy Option

Srpen, 17 2018

Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak of Turkey had excluded controls on capital movement as... Více

UK Inflation rate grew for the first time in 2018

Srpen, 16 2018

The inflation rate of Britain increased in July for the first time this year. Although there are... Více

US Economy Strengthen Due to Growth in Retail Sales and Productivity

Srpen, 16 2018

The American economy continues to have a booming retail sales and productivity exceeds its... Více

Strong Dollar Curbs Inflation, Drop in U.S import prices

Srpen, 15 2018

Import costs of the U.S. were kept the same in July with the surge of fuel costs that balanced out... Více

Indian Economy to Grow by 7.4pc, Survey Says

Srpen, 15 2018

The  Ficci's Economic Outlook Survey issued on Tuesday showed that the Indian economy would... Více

China’s Economic Cool Down Amid A Low Investment Growth

Srpen, 14 2018

China’s economy has signs of cooling further amid the difficulty of U.S. trade tariffs while there a... Více

US Economy Rose to 3.1 pc: CBO

Srpen, 14 2018

The American economy is expected to boost by 3.1 percent this year due to increase in government... Více

RBNZ Steady Rates Amid One Year Record Low

Srpen, 10 2018

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand released the forecast of interest rates from a one-year record low... Více

UK GDP Outlook for Q2 Expected to Double Q1’s Rate

Srpen, 10 2018

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth rate of the United Kingdom for the April- June quarter is... Více

RBI Aims to Tighten Monetary Policy due to Inflationary Pressure, IMF says

Srpen, 08 2018

With rising inflation at hand, the central bank needs to tighten the monetary policy little by... Více

South Korea Slow Economic Recovery due to Weak Domestic Demand

Srpen, 08 2018

The economic recovery of South Korea was restricted by the sluggish domestic demand despite the... Více

Germany’s Industrial Order Plunged a Record Low Over a Year in June

Srpen, 07 2018

The industrial order of Germany plunged lower in June, as the biggest drop for almost a year and a... Více

Japan Wage Growth Makes Significant Increase

Srpen, 07 2018

Wages for workers in Japan had a significant increase in June due to the huge amount of summer... Více

U.S. Unemployment rate Came Out Less-than-expected in June

Srpen, 06 2018

New jobs of 157,00 were added in the previous month by the U.S. employers, lesser than anticipated,... Více

Singapore GDP Growth Down to 3.8%, says MTI

Srpen, 06 2018

The economic report of Singapore for the second quarter of the year is expected to be release on... Více

Japan Services PMI Activity Subdued in July

Srpen, 03 2018

Japan’s services sector activity had slightly slowed down in July compared to the month of June, c... Více

Mexico’s Central Bank Kept Their Rates Steady After a Surge

Srpen, 02 2018

The central bank of Mexico is presumed to keep their interest rates strong following a strong climb... Více

German Factory Output Pick up in July, says PMI

Srpen, 02 2018

According to a survey on Wednesday, stronger new orders and increased in output supported the... Více

Japan’s Manufacturing Activity Dropped in July due to New Orders

Srpen, 01 2018

Japanese manufacturing activity is slower than the July forecast as reported on Wednesday which... Více

S. Korea Factory Activity Slump for Five Months in a Row

Srpen, 01 2018

The factory activity of South Korea declined for the fifth time in July and recorded as the worst... Více

UK Interest Rates Predicted to Grow This Week

Červenec, 31 2018

The survey on top economists shows that experts are expecting for the Bank of England to lift its... Více

Indonesia’s Inflation Rate Slightly Increase in June

Červenec, 30 2018

Indonesia’s annual inflation rate in July will probably rise slightly because of higher food costs a... Více

US Economy to Gain 3pc, says Mnuchin

Červenec, 30 2018

US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stated his growth outlook for the American economy, he... Více

U.S. GDP to Grow Significantly, says Econ Advisor Kudlow

Červenec, 27 2018

U.S. economic advisor Larry Kudlow anticipates that the GDP for the second quarter will have a... Více

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